"Turf Times" by Akoni Ganir
This blog highlights some of my fun and interesting experiences along the way. - AG
Adding an irrigation sprinkler head
Pink Snow Mold
The correct name for the disease many know as pink snow mold or Fusarium patch is now Microdochium patch. Over the years, the fungus which causes this disease (now called Microdochium nivale) has been reclassified and renamed many times. Pink snow mold is common and troublesome where prolonged periods of wet, cool weather occur during winter and spring. The disease often occurs in the absence of snow and is favored by cool or cold wet weather when grass growth is slow. Disease development occurs rapidly when humidity is high and temperatures are 32 to 46 F with a maximum of about 55 F. The disease first appears as round, water-soaked spots, 1 to 3 inches in diameter, that soon turn into yellow, orange-brown, or reddish brown patches. Patches may enlarge and become light gray or light tan rings. Under snow cover or with very wet conditions, varying amounts of white fungal growth may be seen on matted leaves. Where there is snow cover, the disease may blight large areas. As the snow melts, the white fungal growth at the perimeter of the patch turns pink; hence the name "pink snow mold".
Greens mower demo
Soil Sampling
Today I took a number of soil samples on greens 5, 12 and 17. On these greens we are experimenting with a different fertilizer and the soil test will be able to prove if this fertilizer is doing a better job than what we currently use. To take the soil sample i used a 3/4 inch probe, took a sample of around 6 inches because that is where the roots are located. I then shook the soil off the core and placed the turf back in the hole and repaired to minimize damage.
Greens Aerification
Monday the 14th we aerified, topdressed, broomed and blew the sand into the holes. This is very important for the health of the greens. Aerification helps with water infiltration, getting oxygen to the roots and removing thatch. Topdressing helps smooth the putting surface and fill the holes to provide the best putting surface possible. Additional topdressing will be needed to touch up areas and fill in holes that were missed. The course was closed the entire day making this process extremely easy and helping us complete it all in one day.