
Why water doesn't flow

Well it's no surprise why this area was wet spot. This is what we found in the pipe when we dug it up. The connection collapsed who knows when and has been filling up with dirt and gravel for quite some time.

To fix it we severed the connection and clean out as much debris as possible. Then we snaked the lower half of the drain and reconnected new fittings.

Notice the nice clean and neat working area. Burlap rules!


Before and after photos


This picture was take Fall 1999 - Sorry the size is so small, but this pic was scanned from the original photo.


This was taken Fall 2008 - Notice how much more dune exposure there is compared to the photo from 1999.


Notice the cartpath in the far distance on left side of the photo. In the latter photos that same cartpath is there, but now nearly invisible as it hides in the exposure of the dunes.


Another AFTER look