
Red Thread

Red Thread is a Nitrogen Deficient Turf grass Disease. The best way to get Red Thread out of the turf is to apply nitrogen versus costly fungicide applications.


Spot Spray Fairways

Over the last couple days we have been spot spraying the fairways with speedzone, a herbicide used to control broadleaf weeds. Spot spraying may take a little more time but you are putting down chemicals only where you need it and not wasting any where it is not needed


The 10 day weather forecast calls for rain everyday so the last 2 days we have been seeding approaches and green surrounds with 50 percent Ryegrass and 50 percent Fescue mix. We also seeded some shaded tee box's with straight Ryegrass. Ryegrass is quick to germinate and the Fescue is slower to germinate so we are hoping the Ryegrass grows quick and fills in bare spots and when the Fescue germinates it will take over. The sun is starting to get higher and stronger, some of our tee box's are fairly shaded and didn't do so well through the winter. With this Ryegrass seeding those areas will fill in and be ready for the upcoming season.


Cart tracks

If you have ever wondered why golf courses don't allow carts after a period of heavy rain....this picture explains everything.

In-climate weather

You are looking at pictures taken after 2+ inches of rain accompanied by high winds. Many trees are down, bunkers are washed out and filled with water, and sand erosion in some of the dune areas. Wet, Wet, Wet!