
Greens Aerification

Monday the 14th we aerified, topdressed, broomed and blew the sand into the holes. This is very important for the health of the greens. Aerification helps with water infiltration, getting oxygen to the roots and removing thatch. Topdressing helps smooth the putting surface and fill the holes to provide the best putting surface possible. Additional topdressing will be needed to touch up areas and fill in holes that were missed. The course was closed the entire day making this process extremely easy and helping us complete it all in one day. 


Erosion Control

 The cart paths leading up to numbers 8 and 10 tees are very steep and have loose dunes sand along the edges. During the heavy rains we have experienced the last few days the sand has started to wash down the hill. Tuesday night and into Wednesday we were expecting to receive a large amount of rain in a short time frame. We placed these long hay filled tubes along the edges of the cart path to reduce the flow of water to certain areas of the dunes. We first needed to dig a small channel so the tube could fit in there snug against the cart path, than we pounded stakes behind the tube to hold it all into place. After that we did some touching up of the sand behind the tube.